Training Workshops


Karaffa Business Academy offers regular training workshops tailored specifically for women entrepreneurs in Kibera. These workshops are designed to equip women with the essential tools and knowledge required to start, grow, and sustain their businesses successfully. At Karaffa Business Academy, we believe that empowering women in business is not only a path to economic growth but also a means to uplift entire communities. Join us in making a difference in the lives of Kibera’s women entrepreneurs.

Workshop Topics: Our workshops cover a wide range of business-related topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Business Planning: Participants learn how to create a comprehensive business plan, including market research, financial projections, and marketing strategies.
  2. Financial Literacy: We provide valuable insights into managing finances, budgeting, and accessing financial resources to support their businesses.
  3. Marketing and Branding: Women are empowered to develop effective marketing strategies, build strong brands, and connect with their target customers.
  4. Digital Skills: In an increasingly digital world, we teach women how to harness the power of the internet for marketing, e-commerce, and online business management.
  5. Networking and Mentorship: We facilitate networking opportunities and connect participants with successful women entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and mentorship.
  6. Leadership and Confidence Building: Empowering women to become confident leaders in their businesses and communities.

Delivery Method: Karaffa Business Academy conducts these workshops in various formats to cater to the diverse needs of the women in Kibera. This includes in-person sessions and group sessions.

Impact: Since its inception, Karaffa Business Academy has empowered hundreds of women in Kibera to build and sustain successful businesses. Many of our alumni have not only improved their economic well-being but have also become role models and mentors for others in their community.

How to Get Involved:

Individuals and organizations interested in supporting our cause can contribute by volunteering, donating, or partnering with Karaffa Business Academy. Together, we can create lasting change by helping women entrepreneurs in Kibera achieve their business dreams.