our charter

The Father Jim Karaffa Business Academy (KBA) empowers women in Kibera by providing the necessary resources, skills, education, and support, enabling them to achieve greater equality, self-sufficiency, and well-being.

By offering the women of Kibera a hand up, not a handout, KBA breaks the cycle of poverty, inequality, and marginalization these women face. Through the program they are empowered to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives with greater support and opportunities.

About Kibera

Kibera is one of the largest informal settlements, often referred to as slums, in Nairobi, Kenya. It is known for its dense population, poor living conditions, and a lack of basic services.

Less than one square mile in size, Kibera’s population is estimated to be 700,000 to 1 million + people. Housing tends to be makeshift shelters constructed from materials like corrugated iron, wood, and mud. The lack of proper infrastructure creates challenges like inadequate sanitation facilities, limited access to clean water, and poor waste management.

Despite the challenges, Kibera is also a place of strong community ties and resilience. Residents often work together to address common issues and create support systems.